

About the Butts

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2004-08-02 - 10:20 p.m.

The Butt Project's first butt! Yay!!!!

Another butt!! Keep it coming, people! (And feel free to include a description, location, etc......)

2004-08-08- 4:32 p.m.
About last night......

These last 3 pictures are ones that I took Saturday night when I was partying with some of my favorite famous bloggers. Unfortunately, I can't remember whose butt is who! (There may have been too much alcohol involved!) Also, they're a bit grainy due to using a camera phone in low light....but still! These are some good butts!

So come on now, people, I want you all to go out and start taking pictures of your butts....and send them to me! Let's get this Butt Project rolling!!!!

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