

About the Butts

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2004-08-02 - 8:08 p.m.

This site is where YOU get to submit your own peronal BUTT CLEAVAGE for its "15 seconds of fame." (That is, if we like your butt enough to post it!)

We started this site after a night of drinking and joking about just how much butt cleavage there was at the bar (most of the women there were wearing those super low cut, lowrider pants that we've lovingly nicknamed "cunt~huggers.") Then later, on the way home, we spied a guy walking down the street with ever lowering lowriders.....blissfully unaware that almost his whole butt was showing! Too funny. So we decided that the world really needed a website dedicated to this phenomenon of "butt cleavage."

Of course, as we started building the site, we began to realize just how many other butt photo opportunities were out there. It didn't have to just be "butt cleavage".....we could have all kinds of butts. And more importantly, we could get people to send us their butts! (Pure genius!!) And so, "The Butt Project" was born.

Ok, now you probably want to know who *we* are, and where our butts are. Well, my butt is the first butt we ever posted, and if you look real hard, you'll probably find different views of my butt appearing from time to time. Also, you can probably find out just about everthing you ever wanted to know about me over at my blog, DogsDon'tPurr. (Oh....and my name is Marcie).

My other~half, my partner, my lover, my confidant and the guy who puts up with me....is also the guy who provides most (*well, at least half!*) of the creative genius for this site. His butt will be posted soon! He is also the evil genius behind Blangy.com.

So what else do you want to know??!

Actually, what are you doing still reading this??! You should be out there taking pictures of your butt!!

(But if you do want to contact us, you can just shoot us an email.)

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