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2004-09-02 - 10:55 p.m.

3-D Butt ~This is a cross eyed 3-D image......stare at the center line between the two images with your eyes slightly crossed, until both X's become one, and you a see a third image in the middle.
With a little practice, you should see my butt in 3-D.

Beware of the giant red spiders....they'll bite your head off and steal your pants!
~Somewhere in Texas

2004-08-30 - 6:55 p.m.

Yes, more of my butt.....aren't you getting tired of looking at my butt?! We need more butts, people.......just drop your pants, click a pic, and send it in! Let me blog your butt!

Logger butt ~Manzanita, Oregon

Big Buns ~Astoria, Oregon

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